Community General News - Members & Suppliers Innovation New Members & Preferred Suppliers Sphere 1 Update

October 3, 2022

Why You Should Use Gateway for Growth

Wondering how Members and Suppliers win by Gateway for Growth (GFG) awards?

It’s more than just the awards – GFG affects all the different areas to help grow your business.

If you’re new to GFG or just need a refresher, don’t stress!

The Women’s Executive Group (WEG) has created great tips to help you create successful plans and walk you through this entire process.

Gateway for Growth (GFG) is not only a great resource that Sphere 1 offers – it’s low hanging fruit! These Members and Suppliers specifically picked you to help them grow in a unique and strategic way – What more can you ask for? Probably proof, right?  So here are some average GFG growth percentages to help support the benefits of Sphere 1’s GFG platform.

  • 2021 – 35% growth
  • 2020 – 11% growth
  • 2019 – 31% growth

Even during these crazy COVID years, creating intentional GFG plans still helped increase growth, especially during the times when it mattered most.

By doing just ONE GFG plan, you can potentially:

  1. Improve six areas on your Sphere 1 Support Card – a huge win!
  2. Get / provide free training
  3. Motivate and engage your entire team
  4. Strengthen your partnerships
  5. Set yourself up for future growth to continue to sell these products

Why do I need to use GFG?

  1. Out of the entire listing, someone specifically picked you
  • You don’t need to use GFG, but remember, these are opportunities where Members or Suppliers selectively chose you to help grow your business.

2.   It’s on your Sphere 1 Support Card

  • GFG is one of the criteria on Sphere 1’s Support Card, and there’s an award that is dedicated to the highest performing Member and Supplier. Sphere 1 measures your efforts in three different areas for GFG – the number of plans, the success of those plans, and the growth.
  • It is also counted against you on your Support Card if you do not execute any GFG plans. Sphere 1’s goal is to help create organic sustainable growth within our network of Members and Suppliers using the GFG platform.

General Timeline

  • Mid October – GFG selection process opens through the Sphere 1 website –
  • December – GFG selection window closes, and matches are available. Reach out to your matches and plan out your GFG details.
  • January – Start monitoring your plans and tracking your benchmarks.

There will be a series of articles, tips and a webinar to help you through the GFG. Investing in this process will payoff! For Members, that’s more rebate dollars going into your pocket and ultimately helping your company’s bottom line. For Suppliers, that’s growing your sales numbers and creating a stickiness with your customer accounts. Going the extra mile with GFG will put you in another win-win situation, so stay tuned for more information!