General News - Members & Suppliers Sphere 1 University

November 5, 2021

Superior Products Distributors – A Top Sphere 1 University Performer

A Top Learner from Superior Products Distributors in 2021 on Sphere 1 University


Tony Beeler, an Inside Sales Associate for a little over 2 years at Superior Products Distributors, is a top performer at Sphere 1 University in 2021:

Question: What do you like the most about training online at Sphere 1 University?

Answer: I like that I’m able to receive training on a various array of products and product lines that assist me in better servicing our customers. I also like the ability to participate in training whenever I’m available and can also do so remotely if need be.

Question: What training would you like to see offered on S1U that isn’t already available?

Answer: Nothing that initially comes to mind. S1U already offers quite a diversified portfolio of training modules.

Top Performer Tony Beeler