Pro Line Products is the market leader in supplying hydration solutions to the industrial, construction, electrical and safety channels. These solutions include Niagara® bottled water and our exclusive Overtime™ electrolyte replacement products. We were able to provide 100% service level on bottled water and Overtime electrolytes to all our customers throughout this past summer despite supply chain issues within the marketplace or with our competitors.
Pro Line Products absorbed raw material cost increases for all Overtime electrolyte products on ingredients used to blend our product as well as labor cost increases during our 2022 selling season. Due to these continued raw material, packaging, and labor cost increases, we will be raising prices 8% on most Overtime electrolyte replacement products and 10% on Freezer Pops effective on January 3, 2023. All Overtime orders placed and shipped by December 30, 2022 will receive current pricing. All 2023 “pre-season” or new orders that ship on or after January 3, 2023 will receive the new pricing, regardless of when the order was placed. This price increase notice is on Overtime electrolyte replacement products only and does not apply to Niagara bottled water products.
We understand the impact of price increases to your business and your end use customers. We appreciate your support on selling our products and value the relationship and business we have with you. You will be contacted by one of our Sales Team Members with updated price lists. If you have additional questions, please contact your Sales Representative or our Pro Line Products Customer Service Team at the phone number below with any questions.
Patrick McDonald
Pro Line Products, Inc.